Development of a competency framework for health information specialists in the Netherlands

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Chantal den Haan
Erica Wilthagen
Arjan Malekzadeh
Ingrid ter Hoeven
Marc van Kuik
Stevie van der Mierden
Hans Ket


Competency frameworks are essential for identifying job-specific skills, highlighting training needs, and enabling skill development. Therefore, the Dutch Association for Biomedical Information Professionals (KNVI-BMI) created a framework for health information specialists.
Competencies were defined as the integration of knowledge, skills, and attributes required for effective job performance. The framework was developed through literature review, job postings analyses, and consensus meetings to select and categorize relevant competencies. An expert opinion survey validated the preliminary framework.
The final framework includes nine domains: 1) healthcare environment, 2) information and literature services, 3) management of information resources, 4) information systems, technology, and applications, 5) didactics and teaching of information literacy, 6) research methodology, 7) research data management, 8) leadership and management, and 9) professionalism.

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How to Cite
den Haan C, Wilthagen E, Malekzadeh A, ter Hoeven I, van Kuik M, van der Mierden S, et al. Development of a competency framework for health information specialists in the Netherlands. J Eur Assoc Health Info Libr [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 23 [cited 2024 Oct. 2];20(3). Available from:
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