Adoption and everyday use of artificial intelligence by NHS knowledge and library professionals in England Part II: practical application

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Emily Hopkins
Susan Smith
Hannah Wood


In part I of this article, published in this same issue of the Journal of EAHIL, we set the background for the NHS in England context looking at the drivers, strategy, and actions taken to develop the Knowledge and Library Services (KLS) workforce. In this piece we provide a snapshot of how services are testing and beginning to adopt artificial intelligence (AI) in their practice. It also reflects on the role of KLS in educating the workforce and provides the challenge to adopt AI and skilfully weave into all we do until it becomes business as usual.

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How to Cite
Hopkins E, Smith S, Wood H. Adoption and everyday use of artificial intelligence by NHS knowledge and library professionals in England: Part II: practical application. J Eur Assoc Health Info Libr [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 27 [cited 2024 Oct. 23];20(2):11-5. Available from:
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