Medical students prefer print textbooks for studying but value the e-books’ search function and availability

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Sabine D. Klein


Since a few years our library has mostly acquired journals only in electronic format, whereas medical textbooks are often provided in print and as e-books. In order to meet the students’ current needs and to reasonably allocate financial means and efforts, we performed a survey about format preferences amongst medical students at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. 94 medical students returned our questionnaire in December 2018 (4.6% response rate). The survey showed that print books were used more often, especially for longer reading, but e-books were also commonly used. Perceived advantages of print books were the possibilities to mark text passages and better eye comfort. E-books were valued for their search function and availability.

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How to Cite
Klein SD. Medical students prefer print textbooks for studying but value the e-books’ search function and availability. J Eur Assoc Health Info Libr [Internet]. 2020 Apr. 4 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];16(1):12-5. Available from:
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