An overview of the role of librarians in systematic reviews: from expert search to project manager

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Margaret J. Foster


This article will cover the content provided in two workshops offered at the EAHIL+ICAHIS+ICLC 2015 in Edinburgh, Scotland: Introduction to systematic reviews and the role of the librarian and Project and data management in systematic reviews.Throughout the process of conducting the review, a librarians role can vary from a search expert to project leader depending on the needs of the researchers. This paper will cover all of the steps of the review, describing potential roles for librarians, as well as project and/or data management issues to consider. In addition, negotiating authorship and defining a systematic review service will be discussed.

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How to Cite
Foster MJ. An overview of the role of librarians in systematic reviews: from expert search to project manager. J Eur Assoc Health Info Libr [Internet]. 2016 Mar. 11 [cited 2024 Sep. 18];11(3). Available from:
Workshop Report


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Defining the Role of Authors and Contributors

[Internet].; 2015 [cited 8/5/2015]. Available
