Library liabilities in the time of corona: three hospital libraries’ experiences at the heart of the pandemic in Sweden

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Ingrid Anderson
Helena Grahn
Anja Vikingson


On March 10th, 2020 the Public Health Agency of Sweden raised the risk level for the spread of the coronavirus in Sweden to "very high". The capital Stockholm quickly emerged as the center for the spread and hospitals in the Stockholm Region switched to crisis management. This is the story of how the libraries at Stockholm’s three major hospitals handled their coronavirus journey during spring 2020: what actions were taken to uphold services and what lessons were learned.

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How to Cite
Anderson I, Grahn H, Vikingson A. Library liabilities in the time of corona: three hospital libraries’ experiences at the heart of the pandemic in Sweden. J Eur Assoc Health Info Libr [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 2 [cited 2024 Sep. 1];16(3):25-30. Available from:
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