Letter from the President


  • Manuela Colombi


When I was a child I wondered how it would be living in the year 2000.  And now we are in the year 2000. No other year has been mentioned, announced, awaited or celebrated as this '2000'. It is a mixture of fear and counter-spell, expectation and wishes, both for the new year and the new Millenium. I hope you have entered it in the best way and wish you once again all the best you can desire.Also our appreciated Association has entered the new millenium: EAHIL is still a young institution and wants to remain youthful and up-to-date. New activities are always running and you will experience some of them.When you read these short notes we will already have had our Board Meeting and what is more also an extra Council Meeting. I have strongly wanted this meeting as Council Members need to feel part of the association, but not play dumb roles. All of us are overwhelmed by our daily activities but for the Board to work properly, it needs some help. In the section of the News from the Association you will soon read about the new responsibilities of Council Members.




